Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sobriety Test and the Boredom of Small Town Cops

I got my first sobriety test tonight... yay? Not really an achievement but, here's how it went.

Dustin and I went out for a couple drinks. Then we left. When I pulled out of the parking lot I drove into the far lane, which, if there had been a car coming up in that lane, could have potentially been a traffic hazard. But there wasn't. Not a big deal, right?

Dustin: "Hey, be careful, there's a cop behind you."
Me: "Aight, I'm cool."
Cop car lights: *blinkblinkblinkredwhiteblink!"
Me: *grumble*

So I pull over. They say they smelled alcohol on my breath (which is silly, I didn't have much to drink) and ask me to step out of the car to walk in a straight line and watch the tip of a pen while they moved it around. They let me go on a verbal warning. Sheesh! I bet those guys just post themselves outside of bars at the end of every month to attempt to make their quota. So ridiculous.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hair: Big Sexy Waves

A colleague of mine, Diana Brazil, has this long, thick bronzy brown hair that she often wears in big, loose waves like you see on many celebrities. I asked her once how she did it. She said "It's easy, you just wrap your hair around the barrel of the curling iron instead of clamping it." Sounds easy enough. So I tried it today, and this is the result! Looks pretty good for a first try, I think, although I'm pretty sure my hair is almost too short for this. I burned my finger once and it took me about 45 minutes, but with practice I'll be burn free and down to 30. This beauty article gives a detailed description of how to get this look, which I'll be more likely to try next time, minus pinning the curls. That's way too much work for me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Red Lobster: Introducing the Characters

I've been keeping a livejournal for many years now, and I've decided to start fresh.

So while my electric blanket is warming up my bed, I'll tell you a story.

I work at Red Lobster. March marks a year and a half. And let me tell you about some of the characters I have met during that time...

Warren was an AC (alley coordinator). He would bump food out of the window before it was taken, so on very busy nights, food would disappear from the window and frolic of to other people's tables as no one could tell where it was supposed to go. He was very good at invading people's personal space, particularly if you were female. I would be minding my own business, making a salad, wondering if I should take tea by table 34... when all of a sudden, before I had any time to react, I would feel a warm body behind me and hot... moist... breath on my ear and a low black voice saying "you make that salad good". I would sidle away from him, thanking him with a complete absence of warmth and leaving a cloud of dust behind me as I ran. Ca-reepy!

Yuri was another prize AC. When he first started working there I was like "hey, cute Russian boy... yum...". And then he started talking. He one-upped Warren on the creep factor simply because where Warren wouldn't actually make an unwanted move, Yuri would. Homeboy flat out told me at work after I (regretfully) invited him to a New Year's party that he "wanted to go back to my place and you know uhh... have sex". Whoa. He also wiped us out of about 5 gallons of ice cream a week, and once a full bag of parmesan cheese he spilled on the floor and then proceeded to toe into a line and photograph.

And then there's Kathy. Our dear beloved Kathy. She has been working as a host at the Red Lobster where I am currently employed for approximately 14 years. Her total service time to the corporation is hotly debated amongst the servers. She remembers when the servers wore sailor suits and steak and lobster was $8.50. She's 50ish but appears on the verge of 70, acts about as immature as the servers and is one pill popping crazy lady. I caught a glimpse into her purse a few weeks ago and, on first glance, counted five prescription bottles. She told me once that she takes Xanax for headaches.

More to come... my luxurious walmart futon is warm and awaits me.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Still has that new blog scent

I officially moved here from LJ. Yay!

This blog is my personal stuff. Work, school, musings, prose, stuff I like, stuff I don't, etc.
I hope I keep up with this one better than LJ.

Stay tuned.