Monday, February 23, 2009

Stephanie Miller: Mobile Junkie

I bought a macbook over Christmas and I take it with me everywhere but work. I joined twitter recently... and hooked it up to my facebook profile... and figured out how to update facebook from my phone... whoa. We're getting more and more mobile by the day. I can get a constant feed of information straight from the internet to my cell phone. I used to make fun of the idea of being constantly connected in such a way. I would say "as long as I can call out and text, I'm happy, I don't need a damn laptop in my pocket.". Oh how my mind is being transformed.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Designing Aurora

What a week! I didn't even feel my weekend.

Brief synopsis:

Monday: Missed bio, spent most of my shop time getting disoriented by my key lights, rehearsal then stayed at the theatre until 12.30A hanging fixtures.

Tuesday: At the theatre at 8am. Only break I took was 5.30 - 7.00 for my bio lab. Then rehearsal. Called around and got someone to work for me on Thursday. Didn't go home until after midnight.

Wednesday: Fatigue attacked me. Made it to bio, but missed theatre history. Got my 15' light tree up... which is secured with DUCT TAPE. Ghettooooo. Snagged another nap before rehearsal and didn't stay after. Sooo tired after two 15 hour days in a row.

Thursday: Fixed some lights. Pretty proud of myself for that. Got all fixtures hung and focused. Stayed at the theatre until 3am.

Friday: Cut and dropped gels. Some sidelights and a backlight aren't working but it's going to be a PAIN to fix, so hoping Fel won't notice. Stayed until 1am.

Saturday: Longest. Tech. EVER. But not because Fel got mad or anything. Just cuz I have a lot of lights and a lot of cues. 42 cues for an hour and a half long show. That's like, a light cue every two minutes. But the walkers said it wasn't so bad. And my lights are gorgeous.

Sunday: Much more relaxed with most of the work done. Wet tech was only two and a half hours. 5 hour dry tech, 2.5 hour wet tech... It's all because Becca is the bombest ass stage manager...

Today: Wait, what? Monday?! Where did you come from? I didn't even feel the weekend. Now I have to pay my rent and bills, which are all a week over due. And catch up on homework. Sigh. February is always brutal.